This is the first module you should complete your integration on. Data from the Network module is used in Shipment ingress, and in data egress for all of our modules, therefore it is a prerequisite for further integration.
Our Network API will be used to create, update and retrieve Organizations in Loop. Organizations include shippers, carriers and factoring Organizations. It is important for Loop to have an up-to-date picture of the business entities that your company interacts with, so that they may be referenced in your shipment, payables, receivables, and payments data.
Integrating with this module will require two syncing operations.
- An initial bulk sync to create all existing Organizations in the Loop system
- A consistent maintenance sync when Organization data in your system is created, updated, or deleted.
To sync this data to Loop, please use the Loop Organization API.
When completing the initial sync, work with your Loop technical contact to make sure rate limits are relaxed. Additionally, please work with your Loop technical contact to configure any tags that would be useful in your integration.
Sample API request payload
"displayName": "Simon Factoring Org Test Inc",
"tags": {
"factorUuid": "d49be7ed-6bac-4d4d-9593-354f316ac9e9”
"factorInfo": {} // This factorInfo object is required for us to identify the organization as a factor. This object can be empty {}.
Sample API request payload
"displayName": "ACME",
"legalName": "ACME Inc.",
"tags": {
"carrierUuid": "d49be7ed-6bac-4d4d-9593-354f316ac9e9”
"carrierStatus": “Active”,
"truckingCarrierInfo": { // This truckingCarrierInfo object is required for us to identify the organization as a trucking carrier. This object can be empty {}.
"mcNumber": "179059",
"scac": "FDEB",
"usdotNumber": "265752",
"factorOrganizationQid": "qid::organization:9bafb1b4-3bdf-4306-bc7d-2d0ff9d87900", // Establishes a factoring relationship with this organization
Sample API request payload
"displayName": "ACME",
"legalName": "ACME Inc.",
"tags": {
"shipperUuid": "d49be7ed-6bac-4d4d-9593-354f316ac9e9”, // This is a unique identifier from your system
"shipperStatus": “Active”
Network import best practices
- Initial sync
- Import factoring organizations
- Import carrier & create factoring organization relationship
- Import shippers
- Set up a consistent maintenance sync when factors, carriers, or shippers are created, updated, or deleted in your system, so that Loop has an up to date view of your organizations.